
Start a business in a growing industry while developing a fulfilling career. 你不仅仅是一个企业主.

新利客户端 & 消毒

作为排名第一的新利客户端清洁特许经营,新利客户端 & 消毒 has a stellar brand reputation and thorough set of cleaning processes, 支持系统, and customer service standards that can help you keep your clients happy and your business flourishing. 这个一流的清洁加盟品牌为客户提供, 认证, 以及你需要的支持, plus the freedom and flexibility to invest and grow at a rate that suits you and your goals—even if you don’t have any prior business or cleaning experience.

对管理职位感兴趣? 点击这里了解更多关于成为区域开发者的信息.


实现经济独立的梦想. 你的赚钱潜力真的掌握在你的手中. Start with a small number of clients and expand as you add team members to support more customers. Depending on how much revenue you want to earn and how quickly you want to earn it, 新利客户端 & 消毒可以帮助你按照自己的节奏成长.


在以自己的速度赚钱和成长的基础上,新利客户端 & 消毒 lets you work at your own pace—and perhaps your own place, too. This cleaning franchise brand offers the flexibility to set your own schedule based on your personal needs and desires, 而且你也不用租办公室. 新利客户端模式非常简单,你可以在家工作. Not only can you build a better life for yourself and your family, you also get the freedom to share it with them—and even work with them if you’d like.


没有清洁或新利客户端经验? 没有问题! 使用新利客户端 & 消毒,你是在为你自己做生意,而不是一个人. 您将受益于使用新利客户端 & 消毒品牌名称, 综合认证计划, 制服, id, and initial starter supplies and equipment—plus your own customer accounts. 你不需要做任何销售. 您可以专注于提供优质的服务,而新利客户端 & 消毒帮你找到所有的顾客.



If you want to learn how measurable cleaning and guaranteed results can lead to dreams coming true, 新利客户端 & 消毒处想听听你的意见!


1. 买一台新利客户端剂要花多少钱 & 消毒系列?

JAN-PRO Franchise Development has a number of plans designed to fit your needs and goals, 起价低至1美元,250美元涨到50美元,000. 至少, 你需要1美元,250 for the down payment and $900 for JAN-PRO Franchise Development’s starter kit. JAN-PRO Franchise Development also recommends having at least $1,000 in savings to cover emergencies.*

*Starting plans, down payments, and starter kits vary by market and location.

2. 我每个月的预期收益是多少?

这取决于你! JAN-PRO特许经营发展, you have the freedom and flexibility to decide how much time and money you want to invest – so your monthly revenue depends on the number and size of accounts you want to have.

3. 我需要有清洁经验吗?

一点也不。! JAN-PRO Franchise Development has an extensive five-course 认证 program that is included with all franchise plans and will equip you with all the skills you’ll need to service your accounts and run your business.

4. 我需要找到我自己的账户吗?

还是那句话,一点也不! JAN-PRO Franchise Development has a dedicated team of sales professionals who find guaranteed clients for you, 所以没有必要出售.

5. 我需要购买设备吗?

You’ll need to purchase the JAN-PRO Franchise Development starter kit to perform basic cleaning services. If you choose to provide additional services, additional equipment might be required.

6. 我能保留我的全职工作吗?

你当然可以! JAN-PRO Franchise Development plans are very flexible and allow you to decide how much time you want to spend on your 新利客户端 & 消毒18luck新利网. JAN-PRO Franchise Development has options that can take as little as three hours per week.

7. 你们做背景调查吗?

Safety and trust are extremely important to JAN-PRO Franchise Development, so background checks are performed on anyone who wants to purchase a 新利客户端 & 消毒系列.

8. 你们给老兵打折吗?

JAN-PRO Franchise Development values its veterans and has multiple programs to serve you and your 新利客户端 & 消毒18luck新利网.

9. 我该如何开始?

填写下面的表格或给我们打电话开始. 如果你们很适合对方, 将安排一个会议来讨论所有的细节, 有了你的细节. If you’re still interested after that, JAN-PRO Franchise Development will share the 新利客户端 & 与您一起消毒特许经营披露文件. You’ll be eligible to move forward with purchasing a franchise 14 days after receiving that document and signing the disclosure receipt.

有问题? 让我们知道.

*Note: None of the communications made through this webpage should be construed as an offer to sell any 新利客户端 & 消毒/ JAN-PRO特许经营开发特许经营, 也没有任何这样的沟通是针对, the residents of any jurisdiction requiring registration of the franchise before it is offered or sold in that jurisdiction. 没有新利客户端 & 消毒 / JAN-PRO Franchise Development franchises will be sold to any resident of such jurisdiction until the offering has been exempted from the requirements of, 或正式登记并宣布生效, such jurisdiction and any required Franchise Disclosure Document has been delivered to the prospective franchisee before the sale in compliance with applicable law. If you have any questions concerning the registration status of franchises in your jurisdiction, 请新利客户端的特许经营发展部.